Upcoming Events

Upcoming EVENTS

"The Literary Club" of PCE is organizing
“ *_The  Interdepartmental Patriotic Singing Competition_*”
to celebrate India’s *���� 77th Independence Day* ����

�� _Music is not just a tune, it's a touch. That's the way our heart beats._

�� _This initiative has been taken to inculcate the spirit of patriotism among the students_ ✨

���� _Students can participate in:_
- *Solo*
- *Group ( min.5 and max. 7 members)*
���� _Participants can perform:_
- *Singing*
- *Singing cum Enacting*
- *Singing cum Dancing*

�� Note: *Maximum Time duration will be 5 minutes.*

�� *_Registration link:_*

�� Date: 13th August 2024 (Tuesday)
⏱️Time: 11:30 am
��Venue : Aryabhatta Hall, First Floor, Wing D, First Year Building, PCE.

*Best wishes & Regards,*

*Dr. S.A.Dhale*
*Principal, PCE*

*Dr. G.M.Asutkar*
*Vice-Principal, PCE*

*Dr. V.K.Taksande*
*Dean Student Affairs*

*Dr.Dora Thompson*

*Apurva Wasekar*