Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Faculty Achievements & Awards

Sr. No. Name of Faculty Title of Event Achivement
1 Dr. G. M. Asutkar Foreign University Visit
Vern University Croatia in the June 2019
Instituto Superior Técnico IST Lisbon Portugal in February 2018
College of Sakhnin, Sakhnin Israel in June 2018
Academic and Technology College of Tel-Hai , Tel Hai , Israel in June 2018
South China University of Technology (SCUT) Guangzhou, China in October 2012
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong in October 2012
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong in October 2012
Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China in October 2012
National University of Singapore in November 2005
Foreign Projects
SILICE Social Innovation for Local Indians & Israel Community and Graduate Entrepreneurs 2017 -2019 funded by Erasmus Program of European commission.
Impact of Fake News on recent European Politics Co-funded by: Jean Monnet, Erasmus+ Program of European Union
Working As
Chairman Board of Studies Emerging Technology RTM Nagpur University , Nagpur
Senior Member IEEE
Approved supervisor for Ph.D. by R.T.M Nagpur University, Nagpur. Ph D Awarded 10, Thesis Submitted 02, Ph D Pursuing 03
Working as a reviewer for International Journals AICIT, Korea
Working as a reviewer for International Conference (SETIT 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2012 in Hammet Tunisia)
Worked as a reviewer for International Conference (SETIT 2010 in Fez, Morocco)
Working as a reviewer for International Conference (ICETET 2008, 2009, 2010 GHRCE, Nagpur India).
Life Member of CSI, ISTE, Member IEEE
Working as a reviewer for International Conference (SETIT 2013 Tunisia)
2 Dr. A. C. Kailuke Patent
Solar Film Based Device for Reducing the Evaporation Rate of Water FRom Swimming pools, Farm Ponds, Tanks and Dam
Brushless DC Motor Based Smart Soloar Air Cooler With Electronic Speed Control
3  Dr.(Mrs) Snehal S.Golait International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine 07 & 08-Aug-2021  Pondicherry, India. BEST RESEARCHER AWARD VDGOOD Technology