Department of Chemical Engineering

Events 2023-24

Events 2022-23

Sr No Name of Event Title Date of Organized Venue Name of Faculty
1 International conference Regional Aspects of A Green  Economy Enchancing Green Economy 7-8 June 2022 Kyrgyzstan Dr. Waheed Deshmukh
2 International conference Regional Aspects of A Green  Economy Enchancing Green Economy 7-8 June 2022 Kyrgyzstan Dr.Swarda Mote
3 International conference on  Adopting Green Initiatives for Sustainability (ICAGISA-2022) Recycling of used milk Pouches to tiles: An Innovative Green Initiative August 24-25,2022 Priyadarshini college of engineering, Nagpur Dr. Swarda Mote, Dr. Pooja Jaiswal, Snehal Deshmukh , Anjali Kurve
4 International conference on  Adopting Green Initiatives for Sustainability (ICAGISA-2022) Thin layer microwave drying studies of button mushroom; Drying kinetics, Moisture Diffusivity and Energy consumption August 24-25,2022 Priyadarshini college of engineering, Nagpur Dr. Waheed Deshmukh , Dr. Pooja Jaiswal,  Viral Jamgadge
5 International conference on  Adopting Green Initiatives for Sustainability (ICAGISA-2022)  Investigation of Thin layer microwave drying studies of Aloe Vera; Drying kinetics, Moisture Diffusivity and Energy consumption August 24-25,2022 Priyadarshini college of engineering, Nagpur Dr. Waheed Deshmukh , Pragati Gharde

Events 2019-20

Events 2018-19