Department of Chemical Engineering

Faculty Achievements & Awards

Title of paper

Name of author/s

Year of publication

Name of the journal


Study of dispersion stability and thermo-physical properties of CuO-Jatropha oil-based nanolubricants DC Katpatal, AB Andhare, PM Padole, RS Khedkar  2017-18 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering  
Treatment of Milk Wastwater using up-flow anaerobic Packed Bed Reactor Bhuyar K.D. 2015-16 Polish Journal of Chemical Technology Pjct-2015
Modified neural network based cascaded control for product composition of reactive distillation Vandana Sakhre, Sanjeev Jain, V. S. Sapkal, D. P. Agarwal 2015-16 Polish Journal of Chemical Technology Online ISSN: 1899-4741
Formulation of approximate generalised experimental
data based model in a liquid liquid extraction using zinc oxide nanomaterial
RajendraP. Ugwekar, Gajanan P. Lakhawat  2016-17  Perspectives on Science ISSN: 2213-0209
Effect of Ethyl Oleate Pretreatment on Drying of Ginger: Characteristics and Mathematical Modelling A. Waheed Deshmukh, Mahesh N. Varma, Chang Kyoo Yoo, Kailas L.
 2013-14  Journal of Chemistry ISSN 2090-9063
Multi-effect air gap membrane distillation process for pesticide wastewater treatment Bhausaheb L Pangarkar, Samir K Deshmukh, Prashant V Thorat 2016-17 Membrane water treatment 2005-8624
 Tar cracking of rice husk in biomass gasifier: reactor design and experimentation  Khonde R D, Chaurasia A S  2016-17 Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, vol. 24, pg. 55-
Online ISSN 0975-0991
Print ISSN 0971-457X
Characterizing fruit and vegetable peels as biadsorbents Pranav D. Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgane, Bhaskar D. Kulkarni 2016-17 Current Science ISSN 0011-3891
Fruit peel waste : Characterization and its potential uses Pranav D. Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgane, Bhaskar D. Kulkarni 2016-17 Current Science ISSN 0011-3891
Effect of nonionic surfactant additives on the performance of nanofluids in the heat exchanger Gajanan P. Lakhawat, Rajendra P. Ugwekar, Sanvidhan G. Suke, Vivek
M. Nanoti
 2017-18  Journal of nanodimension ISSN: 2008-
FeCl3 Based Imidazolium Ionic Liquids as Novel Solvents for Extractive–Oxidative Desulfurization of Liquid Fuels Swapnil A Dharaskar, Kailas L Wasewar, Mahesh N Varma, Diwakar Z Shende  2014-15  Journal of Solution Chemistry ISSN: 0095-9782
Synthesis, characterization, and application of 1- butyl-3-methylimidazolium thiocyanate for extractive desulfurization of liquid fuel Swapnil A Dharaskar, Kailas L Wasewar, Mahesh N Varma, Diwakar Z Shende  2015-16 Environmental Science and Pollution Research ISSN: 0944-1344
Valorization of pomegranate peel : A biorefinery approach Pranav D. Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgane, Bhaskar D. Kulkarni 2016-17 Waste and biomass valorization ISSN 1877-2641
Pyrolysis of sawdust, rice husk and sugarcane Khonde R D, Chaurasia A S 2015-16 Journal of the Institution of Print ISSN
bagasse: kinetic modeling and estimation of kinetic parameters using different optimization tools.     Engineers (India) Series E, vol. 96 (1), pg. 23-30 2250-2483
Online ISSN 2250-2491
Synthesis, characterization and application of 1- butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate for extractive desulfurization of liquid fuel Swapnil A Dharaskar, Kailas L Wasewar, Mahesh N Varma, Diwakar Z Shende, ChangKyoo Yoo  2013-14  Arabian Journal of Chemistry ISSN 1878-
Synthesis, characterization, and application of novel trihexyl tetradecyl phosphonium bis (2,4,4- trimethylpentyl) phosphinate for extractive
desulfurization of liquid fuel
Swapnil A. Dharaskar, Kailas L.Wasewar, Mahesh N.Varma, Diwakar Z.Shende, Kiran Kumar
Tadi, Chang Kyoo Yoo
 2013-14  Fuel Processing Technology  ISSN 0378-
Study on concentric tube heat exchanger heat transfer performance using Al2O3–water based nanofluids SS Sonawane, RS Khedkar, KL Wasewar  2013-14 International Communications in Heat and
Mass Transfer 49, 60-68
Heat transfer study on concentric tube heat exchanger using TiO2–water based nanofluid RS Khedkar, SS Sonawane, KL Wasewar  2014-15 International communications in Heat and Mass transfer 57,
Experimental investigations and theoretical determination of thermal conductivity and viscosity
of TiO2–ethylene glycol nanofluid
Rohit S Khedkar, Naveen Shrivastava, Shriram S Sonawane,
Kailas L Wasewar
 2016-17 International Communications in Heat and
Mass Transfer
Rice husk gasification in a two-stage fixed-bed gasifier: production of hydrogen rich syngas and
 Khonde R D, Chaurasia A S  2015-16 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 41,
pg. 8793-8802
ISSN 0360-
Theoretical and experimental analysis of multi-effect
air gap membrane distillation process (ME-AGMD)
Bhausaheb L. Pangarkar, Samir K.
2015-16 Journal of Environmental
Chemical Engineering
ISSN 2213-
Sustainability Issues in Turning Process: A Study in Indian Machining Industry Sunil Dambhare, Samir Deshmukh, Atul Borade, Abhijeet Digalwar.
Mangesh Phate
 2014-15  Procedia CIRP ISSN 2212-
Water to Nanofluids heat transfer in concentric tube
heat exchanger: Experimental study
RS Khedkar, SS Sonawane, KL
2013-14 Procedia Engineering 51,
Thermo–Physical Characterization of Paraffin based
Fe3O4 Nanofluids
RS Khedkar, AS Kiran, SS
Sonawane, K Wasewar, SS Umre
2013-14 Procedia Engineering 51,
Reactive extraction of picolinic acid and nicotinic acid by natural non-toxic solvent Mangesh D. Waghmare, Kailas L. Wasewar, Shriram S. Sonawane,
Diwakar Z.Shende
 2013-14 Separation and Purification Technology ISSN 1383-
Imidazolium ionic liquid as energy efficient solvent for desulfurization of liquid fuel Swapnil A Dharaskar, Kailas L Wasewar, Mahesh N Varma, Diwakar
Z Shende
 2014-15 Separation and Purification Technology ISSN 1383-
Effect of sonication time on enhancement of effective thermal conductivity of nano TiO2–water, ethylene
glycol, and paraffin oil nanofluids and models
SS Sonawane, RS Khedkar, KL Wasewar  2014-15 Journal of Experimental Nanoscience 10 (4), 310-322  
CCR characterization and valorization as mineral additives during cement production in India Vidyadhar V. Gedam, Pawan K. Labhasetwar, Christian J. Engelsen 2014-15 International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization ISSN: 1939-2699
Review of membrane distillation process for water
B. L. Pangarkar, S. K. Deshmukh, V.
S. Sapkal, R. S. Sapkal
2014-15 Desalination and water
Fruit peel waste as novel low cost bio-adsobent Pranav D. Pathak, Sachin A.
Mandavgane, Bhaskar D. Kulkarni
2015-16 Reviews in Chemical
Valorization of banana peel : A biorefinery approach Pranav D. Pathak, Sachin A.
Mandavgane, Bhaskar D. Kulkarni
2015-16 Reviews in Chemical
Experimental study of multi-effect membrane distillation (MEMD) for treatment of water
containing inorganic salts
Bhausaheb L Pangarkar, Samir K Deshmukh, Prashant V Thorat  2015-16 Water Practice and Technology EISSN 1751-231X
 Experimental investigation of catalytic cracking of rice husk tar for hydrogen production.  Khonde Ruta, Jeetendra Nanda, Chaurasia Ashish  2017-18 Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, vol. 20 (issue 2), pg. 1310-1319 Print ISSN 1438-4957
Online ISSN 1611-8227
Environmentally benign process for removal of sulfur
from liquid fuel using Imidazolium based ionic liquids
Dharaskar Swapnil, Wasewar Kailas,
Varma Mahesh, Shende Diwakar, Chang Kyoo Yoo
 2013-14 Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment ISSN 0972-0626
Synthesis of TiO2–water nanofluids for its viscosity and dispersion stability study RS Khedkar, SS Sonawane, KL Wasewar 2013-14 Journal of Nano Research 24, 26-33 ISSN: 1661-
Utilization of banana peel for the removal of benzoic
and salicylic acid from aqueous solutions and its potential reuse
Pranav D. Pathak, Sachin A. Mandavgane, Bhaskar D. Kulkarni  2014-15 Desalination and water treatment ISSN 1944-3994
Phytoextracts: an eco-friendly approach for management of groundnut seed borne fungi under
K Ganesh, B P Mehta, S Deshmukh, S Suradkar  2014-15 Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology ISSN: 0973-
Rebuttal to “Questionable Green Ionic Liquid: Comment on ‘Extractive Desulfurization of Liquid Fuels by Energy Efficient Green Thiazolium based
Ionic Liquids’
Swapnil Dharaskar, Kailas Wasewar, Mahesh Varma, Diwakar Shende, Chang Kyoo  2014-15  Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research  ISSN 0888-5885
Extractive Desulfurization of Liquid Fuels by Energy Efficient Green Thiazolium based Ionic Liquids Swapnil A. Dharaskar, Kailas L. Wasewar, Mahesh N. Varma,
Diwakar Z. Shende, Chang Kyoo Yoo
 2013-14 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ISSN 0888-5885
Influence of Nanofluid on the Performance of
2014-15 Chemical Science
Influence of Nanofluid on the Performance of
2014-15 Chemical Science
Pesticide Wastewater Pollution and Treatment Methods: Review Bhausaheb L. Pangarkar, Samir K. Deshmukh, Prashant V. Thorat 2014-15 Chemical science review and letters ISSN: 2278-6783
Investigation of Solar drying of ginger (zingiber
officinale): emprical modelling, drying characteristics, and quality study
A Waheed Deshmukh, Mahesh N
Varma, Chang Kyoo Yoo, Kailas L Wasewar
 2013-14 Chinese Journal of Engineering ISSN 2314-8063
 Kinetics of tar cracking in two-stage biomass gasifier using distributed activation energy model  Khonde R D, Chaurasia A S  2015-16 Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, vol. 38 No. 21, pg. 3132-3138 Print ISSN 1556-7036Online ISSN 1556-7230
Nanofiltration a novel approach for waste water treatment K. D.Bhuyar, R. P. Nimbalkar, D. G. Atalkar, P. P. Katakwar  2017-18 International journal of advance research in science
and engineering
ISBN: 978-93-87793-
Mathematical model of direct contact membrane distillation for orange juice concentration Mrunal B Morey, Vipul N Gandhi, Samir K Deshmukh  2014-15 International Journal of
Chemical Engineering and Applications
ISSN 2010-
 A Survey on organic farming by using biofertilizers –
A review
 Satish Mohod, G. P. Lakhawat, S. K. Deshmukh, R. P. Ugwekar  2015-16 International Journal of Current Research in Chemistry and
Pharmaceutical Sciences
 ISSN: 2348-5213
Comparative study of adsorption of Cu(II) on fresh orange peel and pectin extracted orange peel Hemlata Kursunge, A. Waheed Deshmukh, R. P. Ugwekar, Mangesh
 2013-14 Journal of Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN 0976-7916
Effect of nanomaterial properties on thermal conductivity of heat transfer fluids and nanomaterial
RS Khedkar, SS Sonawane, KL Wasewar  2014-15  Brunel University London  
Investigation of characteristics and leaching behavior of coal fly ash, coal fly ash bricks and clay bricks Nidhi Gupta, Vidyadhar V Gedam, Chandrashekhar Moghe, Pawan
 2014-15 Environmental Technology & Innovation ISSN 2352-
Treatment of biological waste water using activated sludge process Swapnil A Dharaskar 2015-16 International Journal of Environmental Engineering ISSN: 1756-8463
FCPN Approach for Uncertain Nonlinear Dynamical
System with Unknown Disturbance
Vandana Sakhre, Uday Pratap Singh,
Sanjeev Jain
2015-16 International Journal of Fuzzy
ISSN 1562-
Effect of voltage & operation temperature on performance of self-humidified PEM fuel cell stack Vrushali M. Umap, R. P. Ugwekar,
Waheed Deshmukh, Mangesh Waghmare
 2013-14 International Journal of
Engineering Research & Technology
ISSN: 2278-
 Temporal changes in Leaching of Heavy Metals from Clay Bricks and Fly ash Bricks Pawan Labhasetwar Nidhi Gupta, Vidyadhar V. Gedam, Chandrashekhar Moghe  2014-15 International Journal of Engineering Technology,
Management and Applied Sciences
 ISSN 2349-
Synthesis and characterization of nano-sized copper
oxide by X-ray diffraction & scanning electron
R. P. Ugwekar, G. P. Lakhawat 2014-15 International Journal of
Scientific & Engineering
ISSN 2229-
microscopy     Research  
Thermo-physical properties measurment of water based Fe3O4 nanofluids RS Khedkar, AS Kiran, SS Sonawane, KL Wasewar, SS Umare 2013-14 Carbon: Science and Technology 5 (1), 187-191 ISSN 0974-
 Renewable energy technologies from solid waste Farhin S. Sheikh, Nahid I. Sheikh, R.
P. Nimbalkar, K. D. Bhuyar
 2016-17 Journal of Energy Research and Environmental
p-ISSN: 2394-
 Microwave assisted pyrolysis of biomass: a review Prashant M Ingole, Anil C Ranveer, Satyajit M Deshmukh, Sameer K
 2016-17 International journal of advanced technology in
engineering and science
ISSN 2348-7550
Energy efficiency analysis of multi-effect membrane distillation (MEMD) water treatment Bhausaheb L Pangarkar, Samir K Deshmukh, Prashant V Thorat  2016-17 International Journal of Chemical Technology
ISSN: 0974-
Economic assessment of multi-effect membrane distillation (MEMD) for water treatment Bhausaheb L. Pangarkar, Samir K. Deshmukh, Mahendra V. Guddad  2017-18 International Journal of Engineering Research and
ISSN: 0974-3154
Treatment of domestic wastewater in an up Flow anaerobic packed bed  Bhuyar K.D.  2013-14 International Journal of Advanced Engineering
Research and Studies
E-ISSN2249– 8974/
 Bhuyar K.D.  2013-14 International Journal of
Advanced Engineering Research and Studies
E-ISSN2249– 8974
Wastewater Treatment of Major Rivers -An Overview  Bhuyar K.D.  2013-14 International Journal for Scientific Research & Development ISSN (online): 2321-0613
 Treatment of Water by Membrane Bio Reactor  Bhuyar K.D.  2014-15 International Journal for Scientific Research &
ISSN (online): 2321-0613
Design, Fabrication Application and Advantages of Nanofiltration Unit  Bhuyar K.D.  2014-15 International Journal of Innovations in Engineering &
ISSN (online): 2319-1058
Nanofiltration a novel approach for waste water treatment  Bhuyar K.D.  2017-18 International Journal of
Advance Research in Science & Engineering
ISSN- 23198354
 Formation of grease from waste lubricant oil  Bhuyar K.D.  2017-18 International Journal of Advance Research in Science
& Engineering
ISSN- 23198354
Characterisation of Gorewada Lake Water with Nanofiltration Technique  Bhuyar K.D.  2017-18 Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental
p-ISSN: 2349-
8404; e-ISSN:
Synthesis of Graphene by Modified Hummer’s Bhuyar K.D. 2015-16 International Journal of Novel ISSN
Method     Research in Engineering,
Science & Technology
 Renewable Energy Technologies from Solid Waste  Bhuyar K.D.  2016-17 Journal of Energy Research
and Environmental Technology
2394157X, P- ISSN-2341561
 Potato Extraction by using High Performance Liquid Chromatography  Bhuyar K.D.  2016-17  Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Reserach e-ISSN- 23500255, P- ISSN-
 Different Filtration Techniques for Water Treatment- A Review  Kapil Jangle, Kiran Bhuyar, Aniket Zodape, Rashmi Nimbalkar  2016-17  Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research E-ISSN- 23500255, P- ISSN-
Evaluation and Performance of Reverse Osmosis RO Process for brackish water Desalination Satayjit M. Deshmukh, Samir K. Deshmukh  2017-18 International journal of advance research in science
and engineering
ISSN 2319-8346
 Integrated method for desalination of seawater Satayjit M. Deshmukh, Anil C. Ranveer, Prashant M. Ingole, Sameer
K. Deshmukh
 2016-17 International journal of advanced technology in
engineering and science
ISSN: 2348-7550
 Investigation of water quality parameters of Nag river in Nagpur region, MS, India  Payal K. Baitule, Wahid Deshmukh,
M. P. Bhorkar
 2014-15 International Journal of Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and
 ISSN: 2321-8169
 Nanomaterials and its application – A review  R. P. Ugwekar, G. P. Lakhawat  2013-14 Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical
E-ISSN: 2249-1929
 Production of liquid biofertilizers and its quality control  Satish Mohod, G. P. Lakhawat, S. K. Deshmukh, R. P. Ugwekar  2014-15 International Journal of Emerging Trend in Engineering and Basic Sciences ISSN
(Online): 2349-6967
 An Overview of wet air oxidation for Treatment of waste water  S.R.Mote  2013-14 International Journal of Advances in Management, technology and Engineering
Sciences, vol II, issue 7 (III),
A comparative study and Kinetics for the Removal of Hexavalent Chromium From Aqueous Solution by
agricultural, Timber and Fruit Wastes,
 Mrs. S.R.Mote, Apeksha Gupta.  2013-14 International Journal of Advances in Engineering &
Abridged Production and Revitalization of Bioethanol from Biomass,  S.R.Mote  2013-14 Research Journal of Chemical Science (International
Journal) Vol 4 (5)pp 72-79,
Synthesis of Alumina Nano-particles and Study of heat Transfer enhancement  S.R.Mote  2014-15 International Journal of
Engineering, Economic and Management, vol 3, issue2,
 Treatment of oil sludge from oil effluents Swarda Mote Mihul Gahbane  2016-17 International Journal Of latest Trends in Engg & tech., vol 8, Issue 2, pp 337-341  
 combined Treatment of MSW leachate  Swarda Mote  2016-17 Proceedings of Integrated SWM practices in
Developing Countries
 The Self Healing Concrete: A review Swarda Mote Poonam Ghodke  2017-18 International Journal of Advances in Engg &
 Combined Treatment of MSW Leachate Swarda Mote A.N.Vaidya  2017-18 International Journal of Advances in Engg &
  S.R.Mote 2018-19    
 Nano-surfactant and enhancement of their detergency  S. R. Mote  2018-09-01 International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering & Technology,
vol 5 issue 9
Prediction of product gas composition from biomass
gasification by the method of Gibbs free energy minimization
 S. K. Deshmukh  2019-05-01 Energy Sources Part A :
Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects
Prediction of product gas composition from biomass gasification by the method of Gibbs free energy minimization  R. D. Khonde  2019-05-01 Energy Sources Part A : Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects  1556-7036
 Treatment of ink waste water from cardboard printing industry  P. K. Baitule  2019 International Journal for Science and Advanced research in Technology, Vol.
5, Issue 4, April 2019, pg
Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal Year of publication ISSN Number Link to the Recognition in
UGC enlistment of the Journal /Digital
Object Identifier (doi) number
Link to website of the Journal Link to article/paper/abstract of the article Is it listed in UGC
Care list/Scopus/
Web of Science/Other,
Energy and Advanced Material Mrs. Payal Baitule Web of Science 2021 International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology Web of Science
Herbal Wine Production From Fruits and Vegetables Wastes and Peels Dr. A. Waheed Deshmukh 2021-22 International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology,Tesma509,IJEAST.pdf Web of Science
 Review on assessment of corrosion of mild steel in alkaline environment by using plant extract Mrs. Payal Baitule 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1057 012012 Scopus issu Scopus e/1757-899X/1057/1 Scopus
 Corrosion Protection in Acidic Medium for Mild Steel Using Various Plants Extract as Green Corrosion Inhibitor - A Review Mrs. Payal Baitule 2021 Key Engineering Materials Submitted: 2020-07-25 ISSN: 1662-9795, Vol. 882, pp 50-63 Revised: 2020-11-12 © 2021 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland