Course Outcome
Course Outcome | BECVE301T |
CO1 | Demonstrate the ability of using Fourier series in solving the Ordinary Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations. |
CO2 | Solve the partial differential equations by separation variable methods. |
CO3 | With Calculus of variation students can work upon the problems in economics, network engineering, financial modeling, computational radiology, and in the new field of constraint programming. |
CO4 | Set up and solve linear systems/linear inequalities graphically/geometrically and algebraically using matrices |
CO5 | Grasp the concept of numerical methods and apply them |
CO6 | Learn how the derivative affects the shape of graph of a function and in particular how to locate the maximum and minimum value of the function. |
Course Outcome | BECVE302T |
CO1 | Apply the importance and practical significance of various fluid properties. |
CO2 | Comprehend and estimate various forces acting on partially and fully submerged bodies. |
CO3 | Interpret the importance of various parameters on the fluid motion. |
CO4 | Summarize various flow measuring devices with their practical applications. |
CO5 | Illustrate the concept of impulse momentum principle, dimensional analysis and model analysis of a fluid phenomenon. |
Course Outcome | BECVE303T |
CO1 | Demonstrate the behaviour of materials under different stress and strain conditions |
CO2 | Develop the shear force diagram and bending moment diagram and their relation |
CO3 | Formulate the bending and shear stresses equations and able to draw bending and shear stress diagrams. |
CO4 | Formulate slope and Deflection equations for beams subjected to various loads by Macauley’s method |
CO5 | Analyze and Estimate the torsion in circular section and Direct and bending stresses |
Course Outcome | BTCVE304T |
CO1 | Examine the index and engineering properties of the soil. |
CO2 | Discover the properties & demonstrate interaction between water and soil. |
CO3 | Analyze and compute principles of compaction and consolidation settlements of soil. |
CO4 | Estimate bearing capacity, earth pressure and foundation settlement. |
CO5 | Identify different types of natural materials like rocks, minerals and soils. |
Course Outcome | BECVE305T |
CO1 | ldentify components of a building. |
CO2 | Differentiate and identify types of building materials. |
CO3 | Select appropriate material for building construction. |
CO4 | Plan various construction related activities and their quality control. |
CO5 | Know & Identify the latest techniques and materials used. |
Course Outcome | BECVE306T |
CO1 | Describe knowledge of structure of language. |
CO2 | Analyze aspects of competitive exams and the interview processes. |
CO3 | Develop business writing skills. |
CO4 | Demonstrate technical and scientific writing skills. |
Course Outcome | BECVE401T |
CO1 | Classify different types of cement as per their properties for different field applications, properties of Aggregates and Admixture |
CO2 | Carry out tests on concrete in plastic and hardened stage as well as behaviour of concrete structure. |
CO3 | Design of economic concrete mix proportion for different exposure conditions and Intended purpose. |
CO4 | Build the knowledge of Special Concrete. |
CO5 | Apply the various repairing techniques and their material. |
Course Outcome | BECVE402T |
CO1 | Classify the behaviour and failure modes of different RC structural members. |
CO2 | Analyze and apply the results in designing various RC structural members. |
CO3 | Apply the knowledge and skills in practical problems |
CO4 | Use the relevant software in the analysis and design of RC members. |
Course Outcome | BECVE403T |
CO1 | Build the knowledge of characteristics of water,drinking water standards and necessity of treatment. |
CO2 | Design various units of conventional water treatment plant. |
CO3 | Utilize the characteristics of wastewater ,necessity of treatment ,types of treatment process. |
CO4 | Develop with the basic knowledge related to design of wastewater treatment . |
CO5 | Extend the significance of air pollution ,solid waste ,climate change,geo environment et. |
Course Outcome | BECVE404T |
CO1 | Define and describe different objectives and requirements of Highway Development and Planning, Alignments. |
CO2 | Explain, Discriminate and Design various Geometric Features of Highways & Pavement Design. |
CO3 | Understand, analyze, apply and evaluate the parameters of Traffic Engineering. |
CO4 | Explain and describe various terms in railway engineering and should be able to explain, discriminate and design various geometric features of railway track. |
CO5 | Understand the aircraft characteristics and terminal area functions, analyze, and evaluate the basic runway length, orientation of runway. |
Course Outcome | BECVE405T |
CO1 | Demonstrate various instruments to measure length and bearing of lines and calculate area of given field. |
CO2 | Use the theodolite to measure angle and distances for traversing also identify and correct the enors in traverse. Design and lay-out the various types of curves. |
CO3 | carry out levelling and contouring also able to determine volume of earthwork. |
CO4 | Use modem instrument like Total work station, GPS, DGPS for surveying and able to prepare maps in CAD |
CO5 | Use Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System(GIS), UAV Drone and LiDAR Survey. |
Courses :Civil Engineering
Degree : B.Tech.
Yr of Starting : 2008
Duration : 4 Yr.
Intake : 120