About Cell :
Mr. Himanshu V. Taiwade Coordinator (Industry Interactions Cell) and Assistant Professor in CSE Department Cell No: 9766632656 Email: himanshu.taiwade@gmail.com
Due to the liberal economic and industrial policies adopted by the Govt. of India the industrial scenario in India is fast changing and industries have to compete with the international companies. Quality products and well trained manpower is the need of the industries. To develop highly qualified and skilled manpower for industries is the main responsibility of technical institutions. These objectives can only be achieved well by bridging the gap between industry and the technical institute.
The main objective of III cell of Institute is to enhance the Industry-Institute interaction and create the confidence in industry which would result industries involving voluntarily at various stages of Institute development. This mutual interaction will also benefit the students with exposure to latest technology used in industries and working culture of industries. The III cell will make students of various disciplines more compatible for selection of various leading industries for training, internship, case study or for placement.
For the smooth functioning of various activities, the III Cell consisting of following member is constituted for the session 2024-25:
Sr. No. | Faculty Name | Department | Designation |
1. | Mr. Himanshu V. Taiwade | CSE | Coordinator (9766632656) |
2 | Dr. (Mrs.) P. U. Chati | E & TC | 98909 01609 |
3 | Dr. Sanvidhan Suke | Biotechnology | 96570 53114 |
4 | Mr. Abhijit Warhade | E & C | 95793 49168 |
5 | Mr. Nilesh Pathare | Mechanical Engg. | 90110 84355 |
6 | Mr. Jogi John | Computer Technology | 99220 55541 |
7 | Mr. Pradeep N. Fale | Information Technology | 95455 33887 |
8 | Ms. Sharada Mungale | IIoT | 99706 15935 |
9 | Ms. Avantika Sonalikar | Electronics and Power | 98819 71256 |
10 | Mr. Sumit Chauhan | Civil engg. | 99609 26927 |
11 | Mr. Ashish Meshram | Aeronautical Engg | 99234 27800 |
12 | Mr. Muneeb Ahmad | Electrical Engg. | 77440 05311 |
13 | Dr. S. B. Mishra | Chemical Engg. | 80558 98262 |
14 | Mr. Virendra Yadav | CSE | 8390233756 |
15 | Dr. Umesh Akare | AI &DS | 96898 84886 |
16 | Dr. Harsh Dubey | R & AI | 9503065026 |
- To promote the close interaction with industries and various academic institutions for exchange of knowledge transfer between industries and institute
- To give the industrial exposure to students by promoting activities like industrial training, visit, field trip, expert lecture of industry persons, internship, etc
- To promote the research as per the need of industry and to expedite the joint research activities for students and faculties.
- To increase the involvement of industrial persons in curriculum development, finding out the curriculum gap, developing mechanism to bridge the curriculum gap
- Implementation of AICTE - CII Survey parameters at institute level
- To make the students adaptable to industrial standards and subsequent placement of students
- To motivate the students and faculty members for submission of various funding proposal, consultancy assignments, patents, participation in project competitions, etc.
- To cultivate the strong links with industry. Prepare the list of the Industry available nearby and categories as per requirements.
- Preparation of students groups for Industrial training, Sponsored projects, Mini projects, Industrial case
study, Internships, Vocational training. To provide internships for students in industries, this will
prepare the students for entering in the industry. Identification of Industry related to Academics,
Interaction with the Industries, and Communication with the Industry, Conduction of Training in
Industry, Report Preparation and Documentation.
- To provide continuing education to people working in industries/ Faculty so that they can upgrade their
technical knowledge. Exchange of Experts between the Institute and Industry. Identifying and
preparing / updating a list of top executives and technologists from various industries / establishments
in the region and working out a system of inviting them to address the faculty and students. To promote
various industrial activities among the faculty members and students.
- Identify gap between industry and Institution and prepare action plan. Organize visiting faculty/Guest
Lectures from industry Experts to share their expertise and practical knowledge with both faculty and
- To have a closer linkage and promote research suited to industry needs, and consultancy.
- Preparation of proposal to various agencies to promote III cell activities.
- Arranging Industry personnel meeting in the campus, collect feedback, Impact analysis and action plan.
- To sign MOUs and agreements with various industrial organization to promote various forms of
interactions for all courses.
To achieve its objectives following methodology/ strategy adopted by III Cell:
Symbiotic Relationship
In order to promote close relationship between various departments and industry, III cell is continuously making dialogue with industry.Inviting industry executives to discuss and share thoughts, ideas and experiences.
Sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the departments and industries to exchange of knowledge transfer and to bring the two sides strategically closer
Industry Exposure to Students and Faculty members
Industry exposure to students through industry visits, expert lecture of industry persons, practical training/summer and winter internship in industries.Students' projects/dissertation work in industries under joint guidance of the faculty and experts from industry.
Organizing Industrial tour, Industrial visit, Field trip, Guest lectures, workshops, seminars on latest trends/developments for faculty members by industry experts.
Motivating and allowing the students to participate Vocation Educational Training program (VET), Summer/Winter Industry Internship, Industrial Case Study
Providing help to Industries and Faculty members
To motivate the students and faculty members for submission of various funding proposalTo motivate the students and faculty members for submission of patents on their project work or research work , etc
Consultancy assignment by the faculty to help the industries.
Providing testing and calibration services to industry.
Conducting joint research programs with industries.
Industry involvement in Curriculum Development, Delivery and Assessment to bridge the curriculum gap
Participation of experts from industry in curriculum development and developing mechanism to bridge the curriculum gap.Inviting industry professional to deliver expert lectures on the advanced topic or to teach some portion of regular curriculum.
Involvement of industry professional in students' project assessment, industry based projects or sponsored projects from industries
1) Memorandum of Understandings (MoU's)
2) III cell activities Dec 2024
3) Awards and recognitions:
Principal, Dr. S. A. Dhale receiving, Principal Excellence Award 2024 (Western Zone) under the Eduskills Connect 2024 Awards ceremony and conclave |
Certification of Principal Excellence Award 2024 (Western Zone) under the Eduskills Connect 2024 Awards ceremony and conclave |
PCE, Nagpur ranked 64th in all India ranking for providing Internships under Eduskills virtual internship drive under International Internship Portal |
Coordinator of III Cell, Mr. H. V. Taiwade, receiving the Best performing Center of Excellence (Western Zone) coordinator award 2024 under Eduskills Connect 2024 Awards ceremony and conclave |
Coordinator of III Cell, Mr. H. V. Taiwade, receiving Educator Excellence Award (Western Zone) for Google developers under Eduskills Connect 2024 Awards ceremony and conclave |
At the Eduskills Connect 2024 Awards ceremony and conclave |
PCE, Nagpur receiving 'the certification of participation' by World Book of records for participating in the Internship drive jointly organized by AICTE and Eduskills |
4) Industry Visit :