Research & Development

Ph.D. Scholar Registered

PhD Scholar Registered ( Part Time) at Priyadarshini College of Engineering Nagpur

Data of academic session : 2022-23

S.N  Department Subject Name of research scholar Title of PhD Name of supervisor Registration number PhD registration date
Electrical and Power
1 Electrical and Power Electrical Engg Ganesh B. Kamble High Starting torque wide range speed control of 3/ Synchronous Reluctance Motor. Dr Umesh
RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/2022/R1/
2 Electrical and Power Electrical Engg Dinesh D Mujumdar An Improved Grid connected wind power Quality Control Using Facts devices. Dr Umesh
RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/2022/R1/
3 Electrical and Power Electrical Engg AbhijitDatta Fast Charging System for New Generation Electric Vehicle with efficient Converters for wireless power transfer stations. Dr Kishor Porate RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/2022/R1/
4 Electrical and Power Electrical Engg Akil  A. Ahmad POWER QUALITY IMROVEMENT IN th INTEGRATED GRID energy system with hibrid renewable energy sources USING UPQC. Dr Kishor Porate RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/2022/R1/
5 Electrical and Power Electrical Engg Harsha B Sarvaiya Wireless Power Transfer in Electric Vehicle Application. Dr (Mrs) S. P. Muley RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/2022/R1/1564 16-03-22
6 Electrical Engg Electrical Engg Manjusha K
Protection of Compensated Transmission Line for Improvement of reliability and selective using Machine Learning Technique. Dr R A Keswani RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/2022/R1/177 30-03-22
7 Electrical and Power Electrical Engg Ankush
Some aspect of energy management system for hybrid electrical vehicles Dr Kishor Porate RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/May 2019/428 22-05-19
8 Electrical and Power Electrical Engg Bhagyashree Dani Performance analysis in Bridgeless converter fed BLDC Motor Drive. Dr (Mrs) S. P. Muley RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/2116 1/12/2016
9 Electrical and Power Electrical Engg Vaishali
Refer Back to RAC Revise and Resubmit (major Changes- Research Gap, Critical Review Literature & References as per IEEE format Dr  R. A. Keswani RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/2022/R1/
Resubmission of Synopsis in process as per suggestions of RAC Members
10 Electrical and Power Electrical Engg Ashvini Ramesh Admane Refer Back to RAC Revise and Resubmit Major Changes, Research Gap, References in the IEEE Format/ Peer reviewed Journals Dr R A Keswani RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/2022/R1/
Resubmission of Synopsis in process as per suggestions of RAC Members
Mechanical Engg
1 Mechanical Engg Mechanical Engg Prema
Estblishment of Empirical Relationship Between the process parameter of miniature thresher machine Dr C.N. Sakhale RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/2022/R1/
2 Mechanical Engg Mechanical Engg Amay
 Formulation of experimental data base modeling of friction stir welding supported by finite element method Dr C.N. Sakhale RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/2020/R1/
3 Mechanical Engg Mechanical Engg Vidhadharkh
Ergonomics evolution and design of human –CNC machine interface for wheel chair users Dr M.P. Singh RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/May- 2019/R1/
4 Mechanical Engg Mechanical Engg Nitin
Formulation of experimental dta based model for flexible cluches Dr.K.S. Zakiuddin RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/May- 2019/R1/
5 Mechanical Engg Mechanical Engg Mumindra
Formulation of approximate generalized data based model for heat transfer argumentation employing  electro hydro dynamic  ( EHD) technique Dr C.N. Sakhale RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/May- 2019/
6 Mechanical Engg Mechanical Engg Harshcahndra
Estblishment of Empirical Relationship Between the Design Variables of Newly Evolved Flexible Type Swing Coupling Dr. Girish Mehta RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/May- 2019/ 444 22-05-19
7 Mechanical Engg Mechanical Engg Ms
Formulation of Approximate Generalized Field Data Based Green Model for Health Care Organizations Dr M.P. Singh RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/Oct 2018/ 1064 19-10-18
8 Mechanical Engg Mechanical Engg Nakul
Formulation of Approximate Experimental Data Based Model for Carding Machine Energized by Human Powered Flywheel Motor Dr.K.S. Zakiuddin RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/Oct 2018/ 1065 20-10-18
9 Mechanical Engg Mechanical Engg Mr. Pravin V. Jadhav Establishment of Empirical Relationship Through Experimental Investigation of Parameters Affecting Thermoaconstic Refrigeration System Dr. Girish D. Mehta RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/Oct 2018 29/10/2018
10 Mechanical Engg Mechanical Engg Harrsh Kumar Dubey Formulation of Approximate Generalized Experimental data Based mathematical Model for Plastic Shredding Process energized by Human Powered Flywheel Motor Dr. M.P. Singh RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/Oct 2017 17/01/2017
Electronics Engg
1 Electronics Engg Electronics Engg. Manisha Gawande Design  an effective artificial intelligence based model for vein detection and analysis of blood flow velocity for possible health diagnosis. Dr Suchita
RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/2022/R1/
2 Electronics Engg Electronics Engg. Gaurav Agrawal Analying the effect of temporal severity of epilepsy on vital organs via transfer learning algorithms. Dr.A.P.
RTMNU/PHD CELL/RRC/2022/R1/1820 19/3/2022
3 Electronics Engg Electronics Engg. PallaviGanorkar Deep  learning approach for generation of melodius artificial  music with variations in the music database. Dr.A.P.
RTMNU/PHD CELL/RRC/2022/R1/1586 19/3/2022
4 Electronics Engg Electronics Engg. Pradnya P Parate Anovel approach for data extraction from satellite images with improved accuracy and speed using deep learning. Dr S.S. Shriramwar RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/2022/R1/
5 Electronics Engg Electronics Engg. Sumit D Chafale Design and performance enhancement of indoor positioning by sub carrier spacing in OFDM. Dr Virendra Taksande RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/2022/R1/
6 Electronics Engg Electronics Engg AmolPardhi Development of portable device for efficient detection of abnormal epileptic discharges Dr Suchita Varade RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/Oct-2018/1094 07-01-19
7 Electronics Engg Electronics Engg Vishal Punchbhai Enhanced visual secret shuring scheme for color images. Dr Suchita Varade RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/Oct-2018/1093 07-01-19
8 Electronics Engg Electronics Engg KanchanMankar Design & analysis of energy efficient green communication model for 5G Dr Suchita Varade RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/May-2019/284 13-05-19
9 Electronics Engg Electronics Engg Sujata G Bhele A efficient approach for restoration of ancient degraded images using soft computing techniques Dr S.S. Shriramwar RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/2022/R1/
10 Electronics Engg Electronics Engg Ms. KarunaBogawar Efficient  address generator for low power memory build in self test. Dr S.S. Shriramwar RTMNU/PHD cell/RRC/Oct-18
Electronics & Comm Engg
01 Electronics &Comm Engg Electronics Engg ShrikantGoje To Design Hacking -Free AI Based Security Model Using the Analysis of Threats in Communication Network Dr .G.M.Asutkar RTMNU/PH.D CELL/RRC/2022/R1/1624 30-03-2022
02 Electronics &Comm Engg Electronics Engg Girish Ghormode A Blockchain And Deep Neural Networks Based Secure
Framework For Enhanced Network Security
Dr Soni Chaturvedi RTMNU/PH.D CELL/RRC/2022/R1/1591 19-03-2022
03 Electronics &Comm Engg Electronics Engg Anand S.Deshkar Design of Ultrawhite band and MIMO antenna using fractal sectional technique for defence application. Dr Soni Chaturvedi RTMNU/PH.D CELL/RRC/2022/R1/1601 19-03-2022
04 Electronics &Comm Engg Electronics Engg Deepak A.Kapgate A novel machine learning based model for performance analysis of Indian stock market price forecasting Dr Soni Chaturvedi RTMNU/PH.D CELL/RRC/2022/R1/1629 21-03-2022
05 Electronics &Comm Engg Electronics Engg SangitaP.Rajankar Real World Spatial Data Mining for Conceptualizing Smart Village
towards g-Governance
Dr Soni Chaturvedi RTMNU/PH.D CELL/RRC/2022/R1/315 30-03-2022
06 Electronics &Comm Engg Electronics Engg Ms. SunitaParihar Novel Aspproach to integrate Wireless sensor network in 5G infrastructure for IoT application Dr.G.M.
RTMNU/PH.D CELL/RRC/Oct-2018/543 20-05-19
07 Electronics &Comm Engg Electronics Engg Ms. HarnaBodele Improving early warning of air pollution peak episode prediction with novel machine learning approach Dr.G.M.
RTMNU/PH.D CELL/RRC/Oct-2018/542 20-05-19
08 Electronics &Comm Engg Electronics Engg Mr. Sagar Pradhan Performance evaluation of energy efficient monitoring system for dense forest  using wireless sensor networks Dr.G.M.
RTMNU/PH.D CELL/RRC/Oct-2018/555 20-05-19